Hier kunt u citaten vinden uit bepaalde boeken. We weten helaas niet van alle citaten uit welk boek ze afkomstig zijn, maar u kunt op deze manier toch tienduizenden citaten vinden.
Boeken van auteurs beginnend met A.
Populaire boeken
Adams, Douglas
The Hitchhiker's Guide ... 8 -
Addison, Joseph
Cato 13 -
Addison, Joseph
The Spectator 21 -
Adorno, Theodor
Minima moralia 9 -
Over het geluk 24 -
Amiel, Henri Frédéric
Journal Intime 7 -
Ethica Nicomachea 7 -
Politika 8 -
Retorica 9 -
Arréat, Lucien
Réflexions et maximes 38 -
Auerbach, Berthold
Auf der Höhe 9 -
Aurelius, Marcus
Ta eis heauton 18 -
Austen, Jane
Emma 12 -
Austen, Jane
Mansfield park 11 -
Austen, Jane
Pride and prejudice 17
Alle boeken
- Aafjes, Bertus
- Abdelnour, Ziad K.
- Abraham Flexner
- Abs, Hermann Josef
- Achard, Eugene
- Achard, Marcel
- Achebe, Chinua
- Achterberg, Gerrit
- Acker, Georges van
- Acker, Kathy
- Ackermann, Louise-Victorine
- Ackroyd, Peter
- Adamov, Arthur
- Adams, Douglas
- Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency 2
- Dirk Gently's holistisch detectivebureau 1
- Last Chance to See 2
- Life, the Universe and Everything 1
- Mostly Harmless 2
- So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish 1
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to Education 1
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 8
- The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul 2
- The Restaurant at the End of the Universe 2
- The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time 5
- Adams, Gerry
- Adams, Henry Brooks
- Adams, John
- Addison, Joseph
- Adichie, Chimamanda
- Adiga, Aravind
- Adler, Alfred
- Ado Kyrou
- Adolphus William Ward
- Adorno, Theodor
- Aerts, Pieter
- Aeschylus
- Agate, James
- Agee, James
- Agricola, Johannes
- Aidan Crawley
- Aisopos
- Aken, Piet van
- Akenside, Mark
- Alain
- Balzac (1935) 2
- Correspondance avec Romain Rolland 1
- Éléments de philosophie (1941) 2
- Esquisses (1963) 2
- Histoire de mes pensées 1
- Idées (1932) 1
- Les idées et les âges 1
- Over het geluk 24
- Politiques (1951) 2
- Préliminaires à l'esthétique 1
- Préliminaires à la mythologie 1
- Propos (1956) 2
- Propos d'économie (1935) 1
- Propos d'un normand (1960) 4
- Propos de littérature (1933) 6
- Propos sur l'éducation (1932) 3
- Propos sur la religion (1938) 3
- Système des beaux arts (1920) 1
- Vigiles de l'esprit (1942) 1
- Alain-Fournier
- Alan Dent
- Alan Wood
- Alarcon, Juan Ruiz de
- Alas, Leopoldo
- Albalat, Antoine
- Albee III, Edward Franklin
- Albert Maurin
- Alberti, Leon Battista
- Alcott, Louisa May
- Aldington, Richard
- Aldiss, Brian
- Aleixandre, Vicente
- Alemán, Mateo
- Alexander Dyce
- Alfred Bougeard
- Alfred Delp
- Alfred Howard
- Alfred Meißner
- Algren, Nelson
- Alice L. Williams
- Allais, Alphonse
- Allen, Grant
- Allen, Woody
- Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) 1
- Death (A Play) 1
- Love and Death 1
- Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993) 2
- My Apology 1
- My Philosophy 1
- Sleeper (1973) 1
- Standup Comic (1999) 2
- Stardust Memories (1980) 1
- Take the Money and Run (1969) 1
- The Early Essays 1
- The illustrated Woody Allen reader 1
- Without Feathers (1975) 2
- Woody Allen and his Comedy (1975) 1
- Allende, Isabel
- Allott
- Allston, Washington
- Alphen, Hieronymus van
- Alsenoy, Jos van
- Altamirano, Ignacio Manuel
- Altenberg, Peter
- Ambler, Eric
- Ambrosius van Milaan
- Ambrus, Zoltán
- Amiel, Henri Frédéric
- Amis, Kingsley
- Amis, Martin
- Claus von Bulow 1
- Einstein's Monsters 2
- Geld: afscheidsbrief van een zelfmoordenaar 3
- Koba the Dread: Laughter and the Twenty Million 1
- London Fields 1
- The Moronic Inferno and Other Visits to America 2
- The War Against Cliche: Essays and Reviews 1971-2000 1
- Time's arrow, or, The nature of the offence 1
- Amyot, Jacques
- Ana Cabrera Vivanco
- Anderson, Robert Woodruff
- André Malraux
- Andrea Della Corte
- Andreotti, Giulio
- Andries, Marc
- Angell, Norman
- Angelou, Maya
- Anker-Larsen, J.
- Annan, Kofi
- Annette Insdorf
- Anouilh, Jean
- Anthierens, Johan
- Antiphanes
- Antonia Fraser
- Anzengruber, Ludwig
- Apollinaire, Guillaume
- Apollinaris, Sidonius
- Apostolius, Michael
- Apuleius
- Aquino, Thomas van
- Arago, François
- Aragon, Louis
- Archer, Jeffrey
- Archibald Henderson
- Aretino, Pietro
- Ariosto, Ludovico
- Aristides, Aelius
- Aristofanes
- Aristoteles
- Arland, Marcel
- Armando Massarenti
- Armor, Joyce
- Arnault, Antoine-Vincent
- Arnold, Edwin
- Arnold, Matthew
- Arnould, Sophie
- Arntzen, Helmut
- Arréat, Lucien
- Artaud, Antonin
- Arvers, Félix
- Ascham, Robert
- Asimov, Isaac
- Asimov's Guide to Science (1972) 1
- Buy Jupiter and Other Stories 2
- Foundation 6
- I, Asimov: A Memoir 4
- Ik, Robot 3
- In Memory Yet Green 1
- Isaac Asimov's Book of Science and Nature Quotations 1
- Science Past, Science Future 1
- The Complete Stories 1
- The Gods Themselves 2
- The lefthand of the electron 2
- The Near East 1
- The Relativity of Wrong 1
- The Road to Infinity 1
- The Three Laws of Robotics 3
- Astafjev, Viktor Petrovitsj
- Astor, Nancy
- Atkins and Newman
- Atwood, Margaret
- Auburtin, Victor
- Aubyn, St. Edward
- Aucagne, Julie
- Auclair, Marcelle
- Auden, Wystan Hugh
- Audiberti, Jacques
- Audouard, Yvan
- Auerbach, Berthold
- Auffenberg, Joseph von
- Augustinus
- Augustus Chetlain
- Aurbacher, Ludwig
- Aurelius, Marcus
- Ausonius, Decimus Magnus
- Austen, Jane
- Auster, Paul
- Austin, Alfred
- Auwera, Fernand
- Aveline, Claude
- Aymé, Marcel
- Aznavour, Charles
- Azorín