Hier kunt u citaten vinden uit bepaalde boeken. We weten helaas niet van alle citaten uit welk boek ze afkomstig zijn, maar u kunt op deze manier toch tienduizenden citaten vinden.
Boeken van auteurs beginnend met S.
Populaire boeken
Sabatier, Robert
Le livre de la déraison souriante 42 -
Sablé, Marquise de
Maximes 9 -
Sagan, Carl
Cosmos 12 -
Sagan, Carl
Demon-Haunted World: Science ... 7 -
Saint-Evremond, Charles de
Les pensées, sentiments et ... 8 -
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
Citadelle 10 -
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
De kleine prins 12 -
Saitschick, Robert
Wirklichkeit und Vollendung 7 -
Salinger, J. D.
Sanial-Dubay, Joseph
Les pensées sur l'homme, ... 14 -
Santayana, George
The Letters of George Santayana 7 -
Santayana, George
The life of Reason 17 -
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Le diable et le bon Dieu 14 -
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Les mouches 9 -
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Situations 7 -
Savarin, Anthelme Brillat
Physiologie du goût 14 -
Schefer, Leopold
Laienbrevier 17 -
Schiller, Friedrich von
Das Lied von der Glocke 14 -
Schiller, Friedrich von
Die Braut von Messina 9 -
Schiller, Friedrich von
Die Piccolomini 9 -
Schiller, Friedrich von
Don Carlos 8 -
Schiller, Friedrich von
Gedichte 31 -
Schiller, Friedrich von
Wallensteins Tod 11 -
Schiller, Friedrich von
Wilhelm Tell 12 -
Schlegel, Friedrich von
Fragmentensammlungen 8 -
Schleich, Carl Ludwig
Die Weisheit der Freude 12 -
Schleich, Carl Ludwig
Erlebtes, Erdachtes, Erstrebtes 12 -
Schnitzler, Arthur
Buch der Sprüche und Bedenken 28 -
Schopenhauer, A.
Aphorismen zur Lebensweisheit 24 -
Schopenhauer, A.
Die beiden Grundprobleme ... 7 -
Schopenhauer, A.
Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung 23 -
Schopenhauer, A.
Parerga und Paralipomena 68 -
Schubart, Walter
Dostojewski en Nietzsche 10 -
Schumann, Robert
Musikalische Haus- und Lebensregeln 7 -
Ségur, Louis-Philippe de
Pensées, maximes, réflexions ... 11 -
Selden, John
Table Talk 9 -
De Beneficiis 7 -
De ira 7 -
Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium 46 -
Serna, Ramón Gómez de la
Greguerías: selección 1910-1960 11 -
Seume, Johann Gottfried
Apokryphen 15 -
Shakespeare, William
As you like it 8 -
Shakespeare, William
Hamlet 47 -
Shakespeare, William
Henry IV, Part I 8 -
Shakespeare, William
Henry IV, Part II 9 -
Shakespeare, William
Henry V 7 -
Shakespeare, William
Henry VI, Part III 8 -
Shakespeare, William
Julius Caesar 14 -
Shakespeare, William
King Lear 10 -
Shakespeare, William
Macbeth 13 -
Shakespeare, William
Measure for Measure 7 -
Shakespeare, William
Merchant of Venice 22 -
Shakespeare, William
Much ado about nothing 11 -
Shakespeare, William
Othello 17 -
Shakespeare, William
Romeo and Juliet 14 -
Shakespeare, William
Timon of Athens 8 -
Shakespeare, William
Twelfth night 9 -
Shakur, Assata
Assata: An Autobiography 21 -
Shaw, George Bernard
Back To Methuselah 17 -
Shaw, George Bernard
Caesar and Cleopatra 7 -
Shaw, George Bernard
Getting Married 9 -
Shaw, George Bernard
Intelligent Woman's Guide 7 -
Shaw, George Bernard
Major Barbara 15 -
Shaw, George Bernard
Man and superman 23 -
Shaw, George Bernard
Maxims for Revolutionists 35 -
Shaw, George Bernard
Pygmalion 7 -
Shaw, George Bernard
Saint Joan 8 -
Shaw, George Bernard
The Doctor's Dilemma 11 -
Shaw, George Bernard
Treatise on Parents and Children 7 -
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft
Frankenstein 19 -
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
A defence of poetry 7 -
Sidney, Sir Philip
Aphorisms of Sir Philip Sidney 11 -
Silesius, Angelus
Zwerver tussen hemel en aarde 10 -
Sirach, Jozua Ben
De wijsheid van Jozua Ben ... 10 -
Sirius, Peter
Tausend und Ein Gedanke 148 -
Skupy, Hans-Horst
Keiner kann über seinen Kurschatten ... 10 -
Sloterdijk, Peter
Kritiek van de cynische rede 7 -
Smiles, Samuel
Character 12 -
Smiles, Samuel
Self-Help 11 -
Smith, Adam
Wealth of nations 14 -
Smith, Alexander
Dreamthorp: A Book of Essays ... 13 -
Smith, Dodie
I Capture the Castle 10 -
Smith, Logan Pearsall
Afterthoughts 42 -
Smith, Sidney
Lady Holland's Memoir 10 -
Aiax 13 -
Antigone 8 -
Koning Oedipus 10 -
Tractatus Theologico Politicus 9 -
Stassart, Goswin Baron de
Pensées, maximes, réflexions, ... 13 -
Steinbeck, John
East of Eden 12 -
Steinbeck, John
The winter of our discontent 10 -
De l'amour 9 -
Stern, Daniel
Les esquisses morales 18 -
Sterné, Laurence
The Life and Opinions of ... 9 -
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Virginibus Puerisque 12 -
Stirner, Max
Der Einzige und sein Eigentum 7 -
Stoker, Bram
Dracula 14 -
Summitt, Pat
Reach for the Summit 9 -
Sun Tzu
De kunst van het oorlogvoeren 12 -
Swift, Jonathan
Polite Conversation 15 -
Swift, Jonathan
Thoughts on various subjects 22 -
Sylva, Carmen
Pensées 17 -
Syrus, Publilius
Sententiae 13
Alle boeken
- Sabatier, Robert
- Sablé, Marquise de
- Sablière, Mme de la
- Sachs, Maurice
- Sacks, Oliver
- Sagan, Carl
- Sagan, Françoise
- Sailer, Johann Michael
- Saint-Evremond, Charles de
- Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
- Saint-Lambert, Jean-François de
- Saint-Pierre, Isaure de
- Saint-Pierre, Jacques-Henri Bernardin de
- Saint-Saëns, Camille
- Saint-Simon, Claude Henri de
- Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin
- Saitschick, Robert
- Saki
- Salacrou, Armand
- Salinger, J. D.
- Salisbury, Johannes van
- Sallet, Friedrich von
- Sallustius
- Saltus, Edgar
- Samuel Smiles
- Samuel Weller Singer
- Samuel, Herbert Louis 1st Viscount
- Sancta Clara, Abraham a
- Sand, George
- Cadio 1
- Constance Verrier 1
- Cosima 1
- François le Champi 2
- Histoire de ma vie 1
- Jacques 2
- Journal Intime 1
- La comtesse de Rudolstadt 1
- La Daniella 1
- La Mare au diable 2
- Le Marquis de Villemer 1
- Leone Leoni 2
- Les sept cordes de la lyre 1
- Lettres d'un voyageur 1
- Lucrezia Floriani 1
- Marielle 1
- Metella (1833) 2
- Pierre qui roule 1
- Teverino 1
- Sandburg, Carl
- Sandeau, Jules
- Sanders, Daniel Hendel
- Sanial-Dubay, Joseph
- Sanlecque, Louis de
- Sansal, Boualem
- Santana, Carlos
- Santayana, George
- Character and opinion in the United States 3
- Dialogues in Limbo (1925) 2
- Genteel Tradition 3
- Little essays 2
- Scepticism and Animal Faith 1
- Selected Critical Writings of George Santayana 2
- Soliloquies in England and Later Soliloquies 6
- The Ethics of Spinoza 3
- The Genteel Tradition at Bay 1
- The Idea of Christ in the Gospels 1
- The Letters of George Santayana 7
- The life of Reason (1905) 17
- The Sense of Beauty 1
- Saramago, José
- Sardou, Victorien
- Sarraute, Nathalie
- Sartre, Jean-Paul
- Bariona, ou le fils du tonnerre 1
- Cahiers pour une morale 1
- De jaren des onderscheids 5
- Huit clos 1
- L'être et le néant 3
- L'existentialisme est un humanisme (1946) 5
- L'idiot de la famille 1
- La Nausée 3
- Le diable et le bon Dieu (1951) 14
- Les mains sales 3
- Les mouches (1943) 9
- Les séquestrés d'Altona (1960) 3
- Les temps modernes 2
- Met gesloten deuren (1944) 1
- Nekrassov (1956) 2
- Plaidoyer pour les intellectuels 1
- Saint Genêt, comédien et martyr 2
- Situations (1976) 7
- Situations I 1
- Situations II 1
- Situations III 2
- Un theatre de situations 1
- Satie, Erik
- Saurin, Bernard-Joseph
- Savarin, Anthelme Brillat
- Savater, Fernando
- Sayers, Dorothy L.
- Sayous, A.
- Scève, Maurice
- Schagen, J.C. van
- Schanz, Frida
- Scheepmaker, Nico
- Schefer, Leopold
- Scheffel, Joseph Victor von
- Schehadé, Georges
- Scheler, Max
- Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von
- Schérer, Edmond Henri Adolphe
- Schermer, Marijke
- Scherr, Johannes
- Schickel, Richard
- Schieber, Anna
- Schiller, Friedrich von
- Briefe 1
- Briefwechsel mit Goethe 1
- Das Lied von der Glocke (1800) 14
- Demetrius (1857) 4
- Der Geisterseher 1
- Der Ring des Polykrates 2
- Die Braut von Messina (1803) 9
- Die Jungfrau von Orleans 4
- Die Piccolomini (1800) 9
- Die Rauber 1
- Die Verschwörung des Fiesco zu Genua 3
- Don Carlos (1787) 8
- Gedichte 31
- Jungfrau von Orleans 2
- Maria Stuart 3
- Philosophische Briefe 1
- Theoretische Schriften 6
- Turandot (1762) 1
- Wallenstein 3
- Wallensteins Lager (1798) 6
- Wallensteins Tod (1799) 11
- Wilhelm Tell (1804) 12
- Über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen 1
- Schlegel, August Wilhelm von
- Schlegel, Friedrich von
- Schleich, Carl Ludwig
- Schmitt, Carl
- Schnitzler, Arthur
- Schoendoerffer, Pierre
- Scholl, Aurelien
- Schopenhauer, A.
- Adversaria 2
- Aphorismen zur Lebensweisheit 24
- Bogen X 1
- Die beiden Grundprobleme der Ethik 7
- Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung 23
- Die wichtigen Werke von Arthur Schopenhauer 2
- Nachlass 4
- Pandectae 3
- Parerga und Paralipomena (1851) 68
- Preisschrift über die Grundlage der Moral 1
- Reisebuch 1
- Senilia 4
- Spicilegia 3
- toegeschreven 1
- Ueber den Willen in der Natur 3
- Ueber Schriftstellerei und Stil 1
- Schopenhauer, Arthur
- Schouwenaars, Clem
- Schrödinger, Erwin
- Schubart, Christian Friedrich Daniel
- Schubart, Walter
- Schulze, Ernst
- Schumacher, Ernst Friedrich
- Schumann, Robert
- Schwab, Charles M.
- Schwarz et al.
- Schweitzer, Albert
- Schönberg, Arnold
- Scott, Sir Walter
- Harold the Dauntless 1
- Ivanhoe 2
- Lay of the Last Minstrel 1
- Marmion 4
- Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott 4
- Redgauntlet 1
- Rokeby 1
- The Betrothed 1
- The Bridal of Triermain 1
- The Complete Works of Sir Walter Scott 1
- The Heart of Midlothian 1
- The Journal of Sir Walter Scott 1
- The Lady of the Lake 2
- The Letters of Sir Walter Scott 1
- The Monastery 1
- The Surgeon's Daughter 1
- The Talisman 2
- Woodstock 1
- Scott, Walter Dill
- Scudéry, Mlle de
- Scutenaire, Louis
- Seale, Bobby
- Sebald, W. G.
- Séchelles, Marie-Jean Hérault de
- Sedaine, Michel-Jean
- Segrais, Jean Regnault de
- Ségur, Louis-Philippe de
- Seidel, Heinrich
- Selden, John
- Selinko, Annemarie
- Semprún, Jorge
- Senancour, Étienne Pivert de
- Seneca
- Brevitate Vitae 1
- Brieven aan Lucilius 1
- De Beneficiis 7
- De clementia 1
- De Constantia Sapientis 1
- De ira 7
- De moribus 2
- De morte Claudii 1
- De Providentia 4
- De Tranquillitate Animi 3
- De Vita Beata 1
- Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium (62) 46
- Hercules Furens 4
- Hippolytus 4
- Medea 5
- Monita 1
- Oedipus 1
- Phaedra 2
- Phoenissae 1
- Thyestes 6
- Tranquillitate Animi 1
- Troades 5
- Serge Wolikow
- Serna, Ramón Gómez de la
- Sertillanges, Antonin
- Seth, Vikram
- Seume, Johann Gottfried
- Sévigné, Mme. de
- Sexton, Anne
- Sextos Empeirikos
- Seymour Crain Crockett
- Shadwell, Thomas
- Shakespeare, William
- A midsummer night's dream (1595) 5
- All's well that ends well 6
- Antony and Cleopatra (1606) 6
- As you like it 8
- Comedy of Errors 1
- Coriolanus (1607) 2
- Cymbeline (1611) 4
- Hamlet (1600) 47
- Henry IV, Part I 8
- Henry IV, Part II 9
- Henry V (1599) 7
- Henry VI, Part I 4
- Henry VI, Part II 5
- Henry VI, Part III 8
- Henry VIII (1613) 4
- Julius Caesar (1599) 14
- King John (1623) 5
- King Lear (1605) 10
- Love's Labour's Lost 3
- Macbeth (1605) 13
- Measure for Measure (1604) 7
- Merchant of Venice 22
- Merry Wives of Windsor 3
- Much ado about nothing (1598) 11
- Othello (1622) 17
- Richard II 4
- Richard III 4
- Romeo and Juliet (1595) 14
- Sonnets (1609) 5
- Taming of the Shrew 2
- The passionate pilgrim (1599) 1
- The Rape of Lucrece 1
- The tempest (1611) 3
- The Winter's Tale (1610) 5
- Timon of Athens (1607) 8
- Troilus and Cressida 5
- Twelfth night 9
- Two Gentlemen of Verona 3
- Venus and Adonis 1
- Shakur, Assata
- Sharp, Alan
- Shaw, George Bernard
- Androcles and the Lion 1
- Annajanska 1
- Arms and the Man 3
- Back To Methuselah (1921) 17
- Bernard Shaw on Music 2
- Bernard Shaw on Photography 1
- Bernard Shaw on Politics 2
- Bernard Shaw on Religion 2
- Caesar and Cleopatra (1898) 7
- Candida 5
- Captain Brassbound's Conversion 2
- Collected Letters, 1898-1910 2
- Collected Letters, 1911-1925 2
- Collected letters, 1926-1950 2
- Doctor's Delusions, Crude Criminology and Sham Education 1
- Everybody's political what's what (1944) 2
- Fanny's first play (1911) 2
- Geneva 2
- Getting Married 9
- Heartbreak House 5
- Intelligent Woman's Guide 7
- John Bull's Other Island 4
- Love Among the Artists 2
- Major Barbara 15
- Man and superman (1903) 23
- Maxims for Revolutionists (1903) 35
- Misalliance 3
- Mrs. Warren's Profession 4
- Music in London 1890-94 1
- O'Flaherty V.C. (1919) 2
- Our Theatres in the Nineties 2
- Overruled (1912) 1
- Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant (1898) 1
- Plays Unpleasant 1
- Postscript to Back to Methuselah 1
- Pygmalion 7
- Quintessence Of Ibsenism 3
- Revolutionist's Handboek 1
- Revolutionist's Handbook and Pocket Companion 1
- Saint Joan (1923) 8
- Sixteen Self Sketches 1
- The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God 2
- The Candid Friend 1
- The case of Equality 1
- The Crime of Imprisonment 1
- The Dark Lady of the Sonnets 2
- The Devil's Disciple 6
- The Doctor's Dilemma 11
- The irrational knot (1905) 4
- The Man of Destiny 3
- The Philanderer 1
- The Revolutionist's Handbook and Pocket Companion 1
- The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet 2
- The Simple Truth of the Matter 1
- Treatise on Parents and Children 7
- You Never Can Tell (1897) 1
- Shedd, John Augustus
- Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe
- A defence of poetry (1821) 7
- Adonais: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats 1
- Alastor, or The Spirit of Solitude: And Other Poems 1
- An exhortation 1
- Ode to the West Wind 1
- Peter Bell the Third 1
- Posthumous Poems 1
- Prometheus unbound (1820) 3
- Queen Mab 1
- Revolt of Islam 2
- Song to the Men of England 1
- The lyrics and minor poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley 1
- Shenstone, William
- Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
- Shields, Carol
- Shute, Nevil
- Sidney Webb
- Sidney, Algernon
- Sidney, Sir Philip
- Sieburg, Friedrich
- Siegel, Lee
- Siegfried, André
- Sierra, Gregorio Martínez
- Silesius, Angelus
- Sillitoe, Alan
- Silloc, Ive
- Silone, Ignazio
- Silvanus Phillips Thompson
- Simmel, George
- Simmons, Charles
- Simon, François-Jules
- Simonides
- Sinclair, May
- Sinclair, Upton
- Sinek, Simon
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis
- Sir George Schuster
- Sirach, Jozua Ben
- Sirisaka Andor
- Sirius, Peter
- Sitwell, Osbert
- Skupy, Hans-Horst
- Slauerhoff, J. J.
- Sloterdijk, Peter
- Smiles, Samuel
- Smith Dent
- Smith, Adam
- Smith, Alexander
- Smith, Ali
- Smith, Dodie
- Smith, Horace
- Smith, Logan Pearsall
- Smith, Sidney
- Smith, Stevie
- Smith, Zadie
- Smollett, Tobias
- Snoek, Paul
- Socrates
- Soledad Brother
- Solis y Ribadeneyra, Antonio de
- Solon
- Sommer, Elke
- Sommery, Fontenette de
- Sontag, Susan
- Sophocles
- Soupault, Philippe
- South, Robert
- Southey, Robert
- Souvestre, Emile
- Sowell, Thomas
- Spark, Muriel
- Speer, Albert
- Spence, Joseph
- Spencer, Edmund
- Spencer, Herbert
- Spengler, Oswald
- Spillebeen, Willy
- Spinoza
- Spire, Antoine
- Spurgeon, Charles Haddon
- Staël, Mme De
- Corinne ou l'Italie 6
- De l'Allemagne 6
- La littérature 1
- La Passion de la liberté 1
- Les maximes et pensées 1
- Les maximes et pensées inédites 4
- Lettres sur les ouvrages et le caractère de J. J. Rousseau. 1
- Mémoires de Madame de Staal écrits par elle-même 1
- Mémoires sur la vie privée de mon père 1
- Sophie, ou les sentiments secrets 1
- Sur la Révolution française 1
- Stahl, Arthur
- Stahl, Friedrich Julius
- Stanley, Bessie Anderson
- Stanley, Henry Morton
- Staring, Antoni C. W.
- Stark, Freya
- Stassart, Goswin Baron de
- Statius, Publius Papinius
- Stead, Christina
- Steele, Sir Richard
- Steen, Eric van der
- Stein, Edith
- Stein, Herbert
- Steinbeck, John
- A Life in Letters 1
- Conversation at Sag Harbor 2
- East of Eden 12
- In Awe of Words 1
- Of mice and men 2
- Once There Was a War 1
- Sweet Thursday 1
- The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights 1
- The Grapes of Wrath 3
- The Short Reign of Pippin IV 1
- The winter of our discontent 10
- Tortilla Flat 1
- Travels With Charley: In Search of America 6
- Writers at Work 1
- Steinem, Gloria
- Steiner, Rudolf
- Stendhal
- Stephens, James
- Sterckx, Piet
- Stern, Daniel
- Sterne, Laurence
- Sterné, Laurence
- Sterne, Laurence
- Sterné, Laurence
- Sternheim, Carl
- Stevens, Wallace
- Stevenson II, Adlai
- Stevenson, Robert Louis
- A Christmas Sermon 1
- An Inland Voyage 1
- Familiar Studies of Men and Books 5
- Lay Morals 3
- Letter to a Young Gentleman 1
- New Arabian Nights 2
- Old Mortality 1
- Prayers written at Vailima 1
- Reflections and Remarks on Human Life 2
- Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 1
- The amateur emigrant 2
- The Day After Tomorrow 1
- The Master of Ballantrae 1
- The Silverado Squatters 1
- The wrong box (1889) 1
- Travels with a donkey 2
- Virginibus Puerisque (1881) 12
- Will O' the Mill 2
- Stip, Kees
- Stirling, William Alexander 1st Earl of
- Stirner, Max
- Stoker, Bram
- Stoppard, Tom
- Storm, Theodor
- Stowe, Harriet Beecher
- Strauss, Johann jr
- Strindberg, August
- Stroman, Ben
- Suarez, Georges
- Suetonius
- Summitt, Pat
- Sun Tzu
- Surtees, Robert Smith
- Susan Tweedsmuir
- Suttner, Bertha von
- Swift, Graham
- Swift, Jonathan
- A Discourse of the Contests and Dissensions 1
- A Tale of a Tub (1704) 5
- A Treatise on Good Manners and Good Breeding 2
- A Tritical Essay upon the Faculties of the Mind 2
- An Argument Against Abolishing Christianity 1
- Epistolary correspondence 2
- Gulliver's Travels (1726) 2
- Hints on Good Manners 1
- Hints Towards an Essay on Conversation 2
- Journal to Stella 1
- Poems 1
- Polite Conversation (1738) 15
- Some Free Thoughts Upon the Present State of Affairs 1
- The battle of the books (1704) 2
- The Correspondence of Jonathan Swift 1
- The Poems of Jonathan Swift, Vol. 1 1
- The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, Vol. III 2
- Thoughts on various subjects (1706) 22
- Verses Occasioned by Whitshed's Motto on his Coach 1
- Swinnerton, Frank Arthur
- Sylva, Carmen
- Sylvanus Urban
- Synge, John Millington
- Syrus, Publilius
- Szasz, Thomas